

NetDebugPlot real time chart screenshot Debug and visualize program internals with NetDebugPlot. Connect any local or remote program by plugging the ultra simple NetDebugLog C++ files into your source code.

Download (v1.0.1.0 | September 16, 2012)
Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

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NetDebugLog is an open source C++ client for NetDebugPlot. There are 1 .cpp and 1 .h files to include in your project to make it all work. It consists of a TCP client, a couple configuration and logging functions. It's currently implemented with Winsock and QueryPerformanceCounter (high resolution timer) and could easily be ported to other platforms.
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Unnamed and named series.

NetDebugPlot unzoom in real-time chart screenshot


NetDebugPlot zoom in real-time chart screenshot

Data series

NetDebugPlot series in real-time chart screenshot

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