Debug and visualize program internals with NetDebugPlot. Connect any local or remote program by plugging the ultra simple NetDebugLog C++ files into your source code.
- Real-time line charts
- Scale time and Y axis with scroll mouse or text boxes
- Each series has its own color
- Pause chart (data continues to be received)
- Save chart to .jpg image
- Change client's port number
- Very simple to use
Download (v1.0.1.0 | September 16, 2012)
Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
This software is licensed as Freeware. License Agreement
- v1.0.1.0 | September 16, 2012
Performance increased by ~20x (tested at 200hz full screen with 200s time range)
Fixed chart area freezing when receiving too much data
Fixed connection issue with non-local client
Fixed chart not drawing properly after a linux client had disconnected
Better chart auto margin size with large window
- v1.0.0.0 | September 08, 2012
First release
NetDebugLog is an open source C++ client for NetDebugPlot. There are 1 .cpp and 1 .h files to include in your project to make it all work. It consists of a TCP client, a couple configuration and logging functions. It's currently implemented with Winsock and QueryPerformanceCounter (high resolution timer) and could easily be ported to other platforms.
Project page
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Unnamed and named series.
- Calling NetLog(yourvalue); will add data to a noname series.
- Calling NetLog("test", yourvalue); will add data to the series named test.
- Scaling time can be done by modifying the X range (time in seconds) in the text box or by scrolling with the wheel mouse
- Zooming can be done by modifying the Y range (values) in the text boxes or by scrolling with wheel mouse while holding down the SHIFT key.
Data series